Plant for a Change

A Nashville-based business Plant for a Change promotes an Inclusive & Accessible conservation workplace. In this episode we chat with Nathan Fields and Jason van Wulven in a must listen episode that is available on all podcast platforms including Spotify and YouTube.

Plant for a Change⁠ is a for-profit social enterprise based in Nashville, Tennessee, aiming to create an inclusive and accessible conservation workforce. The company sells native plant seeds and provides employment opportunities for individuals with intellectual and developmental disabilities.

Timeline of our conversation:

1:44 Introducing Nathan Fields and Jason van Wulven

4:17 Nathan's proximity to the disability community and how that evolved with pursuing his Master's in Special Ed at Vanderbilt University and to meeting Jason at Next Steps (Best Buddies is also mentioned)

9:02 Next Steps at Vanderbilt University

9:16 What does a day look like for Jason and Nathan at Plant for a Change

13:34 Developing new products

13:53 Eco footprint

15:16 Keystone (regional) plants/trees etc

20:14 Family Life

21:55 Vision for Plant for a Change

26:30 Disability Employment Statistics

28:00 ⁠Care Farming Network ⁠

29:00 Conclusion


Disability Inclusive Employment Imagined


How to Build a Thriving Marriage as You Care for Your Children with Disabilities