Adaptive Driving
The Road To Independence Raising Kellan The Road To Independence Raising Kellan

Adaptive Driving

Woody Tatman is an occupational therapist and a certified driving rehabilitation specialist with ⁠West Tennessee Healthcare⁠. He evaluates individuals, including those with disabilities, the elderly, and those with cognitive or physical impairments, to determine their ability to drive safely. He can recommend vehicle modifications and provide training to help people learn to drive according to their needs. 

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Eagle Access Program
Adulthood, The Road To Independence Raising Kellan Adulthood, The Road To Independence Raising Kellan

Eagle Access Program

Today we are joined by an esteemed panel from Dyersburg State Community College to chat about Eagle Access, a program for Students with Intellectual and Developmental Disabilities (IDD). Joining me today is Nikki Erickson, who is the current director of the Eagle Access Program; Dr. Brigham Scallion, who is a co-founder of the program, as well as the Northwest Representative of the Tennessee Council for Developmental Disabilities; Dr. Jimmy Barham, who is the Dean of Arts and Sciences and Technology and part of the Planning and Implementation Committee at Eagle Access Program going at DSCC; and Dr. Amanda Walker the Vice President for Institutional Advancement at the College.

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Inclusive functional fitness and training
The Road To Independence Marsh Naidoo The Road To Independence Marsh Naidoo

Inclusive functional fitness and training

Sergio Calderon is the founder of Valiant Fitness. He provides an all-inclusive functional training program for individuals of all abilities. His program was created after awareness that community-based fitness programs were not available to serve individuals with IDD and Mental Health needs. Sergio lives in Murfreesboro, TN but grew up in a small town named Fillmore in Southern California.

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