Adaptive Driving
The Road To Independence Raising Kellan The Road To Independence Raising Kellan

Adaptive Driving

Woody Tatman is an occupational therapist and a certified driving rehabilitation specialist with ⁠West Tennessee Healthcare⁠. He evaluates individuals, including those with disabilities, the elderly, and those with cognitive or physical impairments, to determine their ability to drive safely. He can recommend vehicle modifications and provide training to help people learn to drive according to their needs. 

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Universal Design
Ongoing Support Raising Kellan Ongoing Support Raising Kellan

Universal Design

UNIVERSAL DESIGN is when you create something new in the world, you think about all of the people who can use it, not just people who are walking, people who can hear, people who can see you really need to be more thoughtful so that the design, first of all, is functional, and then of course, it's very attractive and beautiful. So, universal design is the design of spaces so that everybody can use them, but they're adaptable the with least amount of effort.

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Bonus Episode with Rachel Townsend and Sara Alley
Events Marsh Naidoo Events Marsh Naidoo

Bonus Episode with Rachel Townsend and Sara Alley

The Spirit of Volunteerism is an indelible part of being part of community and belonging. In todays episode 2 friends with similars hearts but different missions meet up on the podcast to tell about the organizations and events were they volunteer.

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Summer 2019:  Trip #3:  South Africa
Travel Log Marsh Naidoo Travel Log Marsh Naidoo

Summer 2019: Trip #3: South Africa

It was a 14 hour flight from JFK to OR Tambo International Airport in Johannesburg, South Africa. The only saving grace was that most of the flight happened at "night." We left JFK at 11:00 and then woke up to landing in the City of Gold the next day at 6:30 local time. It was another hour flight to our final destination... Durban.

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