Summer 2019:  Trip #3:  South Africa
Travel Log Marsh Naidoo Travel Log Marsh Naidoo

Summer 2019: Trip #3: South Africa

It was a 14 hour flight from JFK to OR Tambo International Airport in Johannesburg, South Africa. The only saving grace was that most of the flight happened at "night." We left JFK at 11:00 and then woke up to landing in the City of Gold the next day at 6:30 local time. It was another hour flight to our final destination... Durban.

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Summer 2019: Trip#2: New York
Travel Log Marsh Naidoo Travel Log Marsh Naidoo

Summer 2019: Trip#2: New York

New York City here we come!!! This was a day and a half layover before the main leg of our journey. We flew to NYC out of Nashville. We packed light and checked our baggage in, with Kellan's essentials in his backpack as carry on luggage.

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Summer 2019: Trip #1: St Louis, Missouri
Travel Log Marsh Naidoo Travel Log Marsh Naidoo

Summer 2019: Trip #1: St Louis, Missouri

We have traveled more this year than any other. I think it is a combination of our growing confidence as parents and, for the most part, the positive feedback we get when out in the community. Summer kicked off with a therapy intensive at St Louis Children's Hospital to get our home program updated.

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