Tri-My-Best Triathlon

St Louis, Missouri

8 September 2019

Tri-My-Best Adaptive Triathlon is why we continue to bust it day in and day out... The home exercise program is a challenging routine but once a year Kellan gets to see the benefit of exercising and maintaining his physical fitness.  Yes! and it's gratifying as the parent to see the hard work pay off.

Tri-My-Best Adaptive Triathlon is a yearly event held in various cities including:  St Louis, MO; Augusta, GA; New Orleans, LA and Nashville, TN.  It is a swim/bike/run race to encourage children of ALL abilities to participate with their adaptive equipment as needed. Children are teamed up with a "BUDDY" for teamwork and support.In my opinion, this event gives Kellan an opportunity to compete with his peers and it builds independence, self esteem and confidence.  We typically participate in the Nashville race hosted by Vanderbilt University together with the Monroe Carell Jr Children's Hospital.  This year we were unable to go to Nashville and Kellan was disappointed. Thankfully we found out about the St Louis Race, and he was able to compete in his "Sports Day".  My guy should be motivated to rock out with his exercises for the next year and I have an objective measure of how he is physically progressing and what I need to focus on for the coming year.


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